wherever You lead...

it's so easy to say it blindly
when all is still vague around me -
"wherever You lead, i will go."

but now that the walls seem much too high,
and now that i see this clearly -
my heart, it shakes as it hears Your call.

i want to believe that You're big enough.
i want to remember how You tore down city walls.
i want to trust wholly in Your love.

my Source, my Strength - take this shaken heart.
i place my trust on this solid Rock.
on You alone, Lord help my feet to stand...

if it means giving up all i have and hold,
and giving up this place where i rest my head -
if it means forsaking all that i think i am...

forever, towards Your heart, i want to move.
no matter what else i gain or lose -
whatever it takes to inch closer to Your heart -

wherever You lead, i will go.


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