friends, hermits, and the Holy Spirit

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one!" (C.S. Lewis)

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I met up with one of my dearest friends last night, to engage in some much needed coffee talk. It had been way too long - not since the coffee, but definitely since the talk! I always walk away encouraged after hanging out with Amber, because I feel that the honesty of our friendship opens up all sorts of doors for me to better understand God, and to better experience joy. For 14 years, we've been able to walk through many of life's seasons together - and that type of friendship, I know more and more, is something to cherish.

As we were catching up on life and drinking our free drinks (yes, we must have looked that good), we briefly hit on something that I've been thinking a lot about lately - and that is, the effect on and the permeation of our daily lives, by the Holy Spirit. Beyond the obvious, here is what I mean:

I was laying in bed a few nights ago, during those quiet, stripped down minutes before sleep - and as I was in the process of casting all my cares, there was this "DUH" thought that pierced into my consciousness: Anything good in me, is God.

Simple, right? Duh. But seriously - it pierced me.

There are some things about who I am, that I really do love. And of course, there are some things about who I am, that I hate. So far, this makes me a normal human being. But on an average day, how often do I forget - we are not normal human beings anymore. We are redeemed. The good things, the lovely things, the cool things, the true things in me... they are Him. They are because of Him, by Him, through Him, for Him.

I cannot claim them.

Our personalities, left on their own, would be horrible things - but He redeems them. He daily makes them more, into things worth discovering. I'm not at all meaning to sound like I'm coming down on myself, or that I'm not giving my motives or efforts the credit that they may sometimes warrant - I'm grateful to God, for giving me a good brain and a heart that loves easily. But. All I'm saying, is how often I forget that all good things come from God. Ultimately, they come from nowhere else, no one else... He is good, and all good things abide in Him.

As I was laying there in bed, I felt like my mind was suddenly opened to see some of the ways that the Holy Spirit effects my daily life:

Every morning, I get in a piece of metal hooked to rubber wheels, and I strap a piece of acrylic cloth across my body, and I subject my life to Memphis drivers. The fact that any of us are still alive, blows my mind.

I am healthy. I can see, taste, smell, touch, hear. With all the germs, with all the cancer, with all the death and entropy... somehow, I can walk and breathe and sing and enjoy.

And then there are the things that aren't physical:

People can walk into a room, and I can discern them. Not in some creepy way - I am no psychic - but I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit gives us discernment and wisdom, to enable us to better connect with people in this world. There are eternal things written on people's faces, on people's skin, behind their eyes, in the way that they walk, in the slump of their shoulders. Only He can give us eyes to see - but He will, and He does. Every day. How often, I take this for granted! Any good friendship that I have, it's because He has somehow opened my eyes to see the value in that person, that friend. Any good relationship that I have had, is because He has taught me how to love and has shown me His own. If not for His interception, I have a gut feeling that I would be an exceptional example of a hermit on a mountain.

And then, blow my mind, there is more. Shall I count my blessings?

My parents, together, (1) are still alive (2) and well (3). My brother is still alive (4) and well (5) - I love him (6), we don't fight (7), and we keep in touch (8). My family lives less than 15 miles away (9) from the apartment that I can call my home (10). I have a job (11) that I could not have known to seek (12), that pays bills (13) which are much less than the average person (14), for reasons that I have had very little to do with. I am daily provided for, in one way or another, but always creatively and fully - and I am daily sustained. Each inhale (15) and exhale (16), every morsel of food (17), every traffic light that does eventually turn green (18), the people that I love (19) and who love me in return (200,000,000)...

It stuns me.

We each have different lives, different sets and shapes of blessings, of circumstances, strengths and weaknesses... but from that moment when we first surrendered our lives (and even long before), He has been working and moving - redeeming and providing, for the glory of His name and the beauty that might be awakened in this world by His presence in our lives.

All of this... is Him. Daily showing up, daily reaching down.

May it keep piercing and transforming us. May it keep piercing and transforming this heart of mine.


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