
I'm going to read a 75 books before December 31, 2015.

I've gotten really mixed reactions to this, when it's happened to come up. People who don't know me well have rolled their eyes in disbelief... people who know me well, haven't. They've started giving me book recommendations.

In order to accomplish this goal of reading 75 books, I have to keep up an average reading pace of 6.25 books per month. If the books I'll read have an average of 300 or so pages, that means I need to read 1,875 pages per month. Which means I have to read (on average) around 62.5 pages per day, every day this year, in order to accomplish my goal.

Which isn't realistic, at all. Unless I know I can do it, and have something amazing to gain in the process. Which, I do... x 2.

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In 2010, I found myself at a bit of a crossroads. The graduate program I was contentedly enrolled in at that time was unexpectedly about to be phased out, due to economic reasons and funding. I hadn't seen that coming, and suddenly I had three choices:

- I could quit graduate school, as a whole
- I could change programs and continue at my current school
- I could try a different graduate school, and start fresh

I took door #3, and began the application process at Liberty University in VA. I was accepted, and began making my plans. I would move to Virginia, and get my Master of Arts in Church History. It seemed like a great plan. I would continue my education like I wanted, and continue learning. I would get out of Memphis, and experience something new.

I didn't even know it at the time - but something seemed to be missing, in all the planning. I would still wake up every day and go through the motions, setting my plans into place... but later I would look back on all of it and realize it was a lack of peace that I felt.

One day shifted into another, and I contacted the admissions office to let them know that I was postponing my course enrollment. I felt immediately better about that decision. I would give it a few months, instead of rushing into a huge move and a new city, I would take my time getting prepared for all that awaited me.

In the meantime, I had a job - and as part of my role there, I was about to begin a 43-city tour called 'WinterJam' which would keep me on the road for three months and be a new, exciting opportunity. I packed my bags, started the tour... and met a man named Tim O'Neill. And in August 2011, instead of beginning a Master of Arts program in VA, I began a marriage and a life as a wife in Nashville, TN.

Only the Lord could have known what was around the corner - I certainly didn't. I planned for one thing, and the Lord planned something different. I've never looked back.

- - -

But my wonderful, adorable new husband quickly began to understand the true role that learning would continue to play in my daily life...

His first clue might have been the box, after box, after box, after box of books that I moved into our new home. Or the fact that I previewed several different local libraries before deciding which one I wanted to become a member of. Or the way I swoon at office supply stores. Or the fact that my right-hand constantly has some sort of ink marks on it.

He's a smart one. He buys me books instead of jewelry, pens instead of chocolates, and we will live happily ever after because I love him forever :)

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So it became pretty clear to me, and to Tim, that although I said good-bye to grad school, I didn't say good-bye to learning - and he's been a huge support, as I've continued considering ways to engage this part of my "hard-wiring" the past few years. It's been a challenge at times to figure out how to continue learning and being stretched at a good pace, without the imposed structure of courses, deadlines, and grading systems. It's something I have to pray about a lot, and be disciplined about - to not grow lazy or disheartened in this area.

And this is where the books come in...

Reading keeps me dreaming. It keeps me using my imagination, and keeps me thinking from inside different shoes. It keeps me longing to see more of the world, and it keeps me praying. But reading also keeps me grounded. It teaches me how many things I don't know. It instructs me how to better express my own life. It keeps me processing things with perspective. It keeps my mind awake.

It's something that has always been a huge part of my life, and it continues to be an integral part of my walk with Christ and many of my relationships.

So I decided to set a goal. I read 57 books last year, without any intention... and the reality is that I probably wasted a lot of time last year looking at my phone, my computer, or the TV - doing things that didn't improve my mind, my relationships, or my faith at all.

This year, I'm striving to be more intentional. I'm going to read 75 books.

If I come across a word I don't know, I'm going to look it up.
If I sense that the book isn't going anywhere, I'm going to put it down.
If I sense that any of this begins to get in the way of my family, I'll stop.
If I sense that the Lord is leading me to do something else with my year,
I'll stop.

But in the meantime... 5 books down. 4 in progress. 66 more to go. With intention.

Now accepting recommendations for titles and authors.

Please, thanks... and here we go.


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