
"Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding;
For if you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; 
If you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; 
Then you will discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom..."

(Proverbs 2:2-6a)

- - -

Wisdom. Discernment. Understanding. Oh, how I crave more of those things in my life - and not just for the big, obvious decisions. I need wisdom to make all the thousands of little decisions that no one else but my Savior will see me struggle over. I need wisdom to guide my every footstep.

Footsteps are small things... until they form a trail. Until they lead in a particular direction. And then, suddenly, you look behind you and realize that every footstep was actually a really important little thing after all. It was all part of a search. It was all part of a treasure hunt.

I need wisdom...
To know when the dishes can stay in the sink a little longer. To know when to have that conversation with my husband. I need wisdom to choose which play-dates to invest my time in. To guide my steps by the light of Word, and direct me in the path of peace.

I need wisdom...
To know what to spend that money on. To know what to do when my youngest baby won't stop crying. I need wisdom to know when to just let it go and when to discipline. To alert me when it's time to stop, put it all behind me, and look up. 


- - - 

A couple dear friends of ours are moving to another city, in less than two weeks. We simply can't fit enough "last dinners" onto the calendar... nothing can keep this change from happening. At the same time that we're rejoicing with our friends, my husband and I are heartbroken.

I need wisdom to remind my heart of truths it already knows - that the Lord is sovereign, and that all His plans for His children are good.

- - - 

My firstborn has learned how to dress herself without assistance. She's saying "no" a lot, and is taking great joy in her new ability to turn lights and fans on and off by standing on her tiptoes. She's getting taller, prettier, more quirky and funny, becoming more and more the person God created her to be... and it's killing me. She's growing up right in front of me, just like they all warned me she would - and although my heart is thrilled, some days I admittedly just feel like a wreck.

I need wisdom to stay present, wisdom to release her... I need wisdom to direct my emotions, grow them or quell them, and ultimately transform them into a blazing arrow that points to Christ again and again.

- - - 

Despite my best intentions, I still haven't gotten used to this present version of the new me. I feel like a foreigner in my own closet. I'm not yet losing the weight I'd like to lose - and although I keep hearing that this stage is temporary, it's just tough. I don't know where all the hours of the day go, but in between an energetic toddler and an infant, I'm daily having to choose between working out and doing something else equally important.

I need wisdom to find balance, wisdom to discern and alert me to the enemy's lies, and wisdom to see myself the way God sees me... I need wisdom to remind me that He calls me Beloved.

- - -

"If you seek [wisdom, discernment, understanding] as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures..." (v.4)

At the end of these long, full days, all I ultimately long for is to know that in this search for hidden treasure, I've held nothing back from the Lord. That every footstep has been moving towards Him, drawing close... Bringing my entire heart. My makeup free face, my tired eyes. My anxious thoughts, my irritations, my yearnings. That I've sought His approval and His presence, more than any other. That although I sometimes went into His presence carrying shame, sin, resentment, and weariness... I left His presence with a clean face and a clear heart.

And He asks me to do it again tomorrow, and the next day. To seek His wisdom and His glory above all else. Holding nothing back, as if seeking for hidden treasure...

One choice, one moment, one little footstep at a time.


  1. Hi Lauren!
    I wanted to let you know that my 3 year old daughters Lullaby every night is Lovers Window! I recorded her singing it and would love to share it with you!


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