The Sound of Windblown Leaves

It's been a while...

September and October were months of morning sickness, daydreaming, celebrating and sharing... we're expecting our second child in May 2018! I still can't believe it, even though the second trimester is already upon me and my tummy is demanding that I get out those maternity jeans. We are thrilled, my back hurts, and the Lord's goodness overwhelms.

The month of October also saw me frequently hunched over my computer and stacks of papers at coffeeshop tables, working on some commissioned writing projects. I met the deadlines and enjoyed a brief rest right before November came upon the scene with its happy, blustering bustle. Our family has already celebrated three birthdays and done some holiday travel this month. Life has been busy, my body is tired, but my heart is full... And now I write.

November is beautiful here in Tennessee. Sidewalks and lawns are transformed by tones of brandished copper, gold, and burgundy. The air is crisp and just sharp enough to be taken seriously.

And the sound of windblown leaves is everywhere. Rustling, crackling, whispering of change and things to come. The promise of cold is enough to make me cling to my scarf a bit tighter, and the lessons of this season always leave me clinging a bit tighter to the One who remains constant when everything around me is changing yet again.

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Thousands of years ago, the Israelites were on the threshold of their own very big change. They were about to enter the land God had promised them, but before they could enter it God gave them an extensive set of rules and laws to obey. Their obedience to those commands was the deciding factor between two entirely different lives. They could either have the provisions, peace, and inheritance found only in the center of God's will, or they would face destruction and despair at every turn, being fully separated from His presence. God assured them if they followed Him, He would satisfy their every need. But He also assured them that if they were disobedient, fear would be a constant companion to them - and even the sound of windblown leaves would send them running in fear and terror. (Leviticus 26:36-39)

Obedience to God will always be the deciding factor. On one side of obedience are the provisions of God, the joy of His presence, and the wisdom and peace promised to those who love Him. On the other side lies fear, unfulfilled need, and despair of heart.

When I wake up every morning, I have a choice of what will come first. When I watch TV and make choices about what media enters our home, I have a choice. When my husband and I are disagreeing on something and emotions start to escalate, I have a choice how to proceed. When I am cut off by a driver in traffic, I have a choice how I will act. When I'm getting ready in the morning and nothing fits or looks quite right, but my daughter is watching my every move... I have a choice. What am I teaching her about the way Jesus sees her?

Every single moment of every single day, it all has to be about Him... or it won't be. 

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As I listen to the leaves swirling around me and hear the proof of the trees' surrender, it's clear to me that everything on this earth somehow bows down to the sovereignty of its Creator. The tree knows its season and does what it is made to do. The animals know their role, and begin storing up food to guard against winter's chill. The baby growing inside me is daily learning new tricks I can't even see yet, being daily woven together and sustained only by its Maker.

And I am called to fall at the feet of Jesus - in every season, with everything I am. If I say I love Him, I must obey the things He's asked me to do - whether generally through Scripture, or specifically and personally through the Holy Spirit. (John 14:15)

It is one simple choice showing up over and over, in a million complicated examples... Honor Christ, or don't. Choose Him, or don't. Be like Him, or don't.

And the way my heart interprets the sound of windblown leaves depends fully on which option I choose. Jesus offers a better way to us...

May we take it. 


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