Her Life / My Life

I just finished reading Julia Child's biography, entitled My Life in France. From cover to cover, I found it to be fascinating. The woman was intelligent, clever, and stood firmly beside things (and people) she believed in... these characteristics in a person are always a magnetic draw for me.

That would have been enough to make the book an interesting read. But additionally, I could very personally relate to many of the stories she told about Paris, and the French countryside. Since my husband and I have spent some time in Paris on our own journey together, I found the book to be a nostalgic collection of sights and sounds that my personal memories can also recollect and think on with joy.

But I have read many good biographies before... why am I writing a blog about this one?

Because this woman's life story, in particular, convicted me.

Here is a woman that loved life... she relished it. Its flavors, its colors, its people. As a reader, and one who did not know her personally, I'm at the mercy of seeing only a written snapshot of her life's memories. But even from the small view afforded me, it was plain to see that she was a woman who had (perhaps unknowingly) mastered the art of much more than French cooking. She had learned the art of living her life... taking both joy and fun from each moment.

Although I can only make speculation of her spirituality based on her writings, there is still much that I have taken away from this book.

She was smart, curious, brave, passionate, and uninhibited - and yes, she could also be incredibly stubborn, egocentric, and idolatrous. But as I flipped through the pages of her biography, more times than one I found myself envying her lack of fear, or inhibitions. With the constant company and support of her husband, she truly seemed to relish her life. It jumped off the pages. Her ability to seize joy and fully seem to live inside of it, was inspiring - and as a follower of Christ, it was also tremendously convicting.

Do I exude the same joy, lack of inhibition, and passion for life that she exuded? I have all the more reason to... yet I fear that she would win that contest (if it were a contest), hands down.

I've always admired people who are brave, joyful, filled up, and fearless. They intimidate me (of course), but in the quiet of my room at night, I pray that God would make me more like them... that He would make me more like Him, in these ways.

It was a book that made me think... which in my opinion, makes it a very good book indeed. Well-written, fascinating lady, tons of travel-tales, and overall a superb story. It makes me want to write my own someday, and most importantly, it encouraged me to go out and live my life better, more humbly, and more clearly than before.

I recommend it... but don't read it if you're hungry.

Lesson learned.


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