Lawless Grace...?

"Having a strong set of beliefs is one thing. But standing up tall on [those beliefs], making decisions according to them, and adjusting your life to line up with them - that's another. That's faithfulness."

Priscilla Shirer, The Resolution for Women

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And so my journey continues through the Old Testament. I'm into Deuteronomy now, and I am grateful. Admittedly, some of Leviticus and Numbers made my mind bog down - as a citizen of America, in the 21st century, not raised in a Jewish household - it's easy to begin to feel that a lot of what is being talked about in those two books "doesn't apply" to me. But what a lie that is...

As mentioned in a previous blog, the things I've taken away most from those two books full of laws and seemingly archaic metaphors is that everything was counted... God has not changed... and our faith is not to be based upon a lawless grace.

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When I read about the kosher dietary laws, the extensive census of tribes, the measurements of the temple, the exact amount of materials contributed and expected for certain sacrifices... it is tempting for me to misinterpret these as a compilation of laws that the Israelites somehow came up with themselves, and now as a present generation remain enslaved by. But it has been interesting to re-discover that in actuality, it was God who created those laws for them at that time - it was God who expected those laws to be obeyed, down to the smallest measurement. His blessings were freely placed upon those who followed His commands - and they were consistently over and above what anyone deserved... But still, everything needed to be balanced somehow; every wrong deed required a sacrifice, whether it was a lamb, fresh produce, or a firstborn son... everything was counted and judged, and if things did not balance, God made things balance.

It seems a harsh thing to read through, as I sit up at Starbucks drinking a caramel macchiato and wondering how in the world I can relate to this. I have never slaughtered a calf to cleanse myself of sin. I have never been ostracized from an entire community, due to my lack of faith. My skin has never taken on the grayish cast of leprosy when I have spoken the Lord's name in vain. So, on to Deuteronomy... right?

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But as mentioned previously... don't we still serve the same God as they did "back then"? If I believe that God has not changed - and that He never will - then I have to somehow reconcile the ways of God "back then" with the heart of God now.

We have always served a God who holds both blessings and judgement in His hands. We cannot receive one part of Him, without receiving all of Him. He is the same God, even though He sometimes chooses to reveal Himself differently to us. There is still judgement in His hands... and I think this is something that as an American, Starbucks-going female living in the 21st century, I am often tempted to forget.

Christ died for our sins, provided Himself as the necessary sacrifice to cleanse us, for eternity. His grace is sufficient to cover us, entirely... but we do not hold to a lawless grace. Some of us - christians - live our lives as lawlessly as those who do not believe. We do not regard His laws, we are unbridled, unruly, lacking self control... yet we claim His grace? We so often forget that there is still judgement in His hands. He has not grown softer or weaker or less holy! He is the same, always. He was the same with Moses and the Israelites as He is with you and me. His heart is full of love, His hands are full of blessing... but He does require my obedience.

And as the condensation forms on my caramel macchiato... I must reconcile these aspects of His character, within my heart. Numbers and Leviticus, although "old", are still alive... and that is how they are relevant to me and you. I pray that I can continue to broaden my comprehension of all He is. I pray to be found standing up on those things that I believe, making decisions accordingly, and adjusting my life in a way to build up His Kingdom of God here on earth - not by claiming a lawless grace, but by claiming a grace that compels me, in the very center of my heart, to find ways every moment to thank Him for all that He is done. To find ways to prove it... for since when has love not compelled the hearts of man to action? We cannot disconnect the seed from the fruit it produces.

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Now... on to Deuteronomy.


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