my name is...

... soon to be Lauren Nicole O'Neill. oh. my. gosh. i am engaged :)

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On March 12, I was walking around by myself in downtown Lexington, KY - the location of one of our Winter Jam tour sites. It was really windy outside and sunny, and as I sauntered, my thoughts were of the simple, contented sort - the soft, persevering kinds of thoughts you have when you're a single 26 year old girl, trying your best to get the knack of a supernatural practice - the seizing and cherishing of the moment by moment sweetness that is a solitary walk with Christ.

I was all in my head, all in my world, and I found my way across the road to the local Starbucks. As soon as I walked in the door, I stumbled.

... him again, Lord?

The man walking in the door behind me almost ran into me, as I hesitated in the doorway. I remember it - the awkward glance he gave me as he pushed past and made his way over to a table. After a second, the motor skills kicked back in - and I got in line behind Tim O'Neill. I had been doing that a lot lately - seeing him at coffee shops, running into him in the venue hallways with coffee in hands, saying hello... each time, being effected by his smile a little more than the time before that. And his eyes. And the way he interacted with everyone on tour. And the calm way he carried himself during his day. Is he seriously in front of me again in line? Crap, and he smells good too. Heart flutter... Lord?

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That was March 12.
And on June 12, he asked me to be his wife.

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We all have stories that could successfully and poignantly fill books - romantic stories, heartache stories, victories, tragedies, one chapter after another of redemption found in the small moments. My stories are no different - they are true, they were purposed, and they led me directly, step by small step, to the man who will become my husband on August 26, 2011.

Never did I understand, until I saw him on his knee yesterday. All those prayers, conversations, hopes, heartbreaks, joys, and the things we all learn in between... yep.

With all my heart - worth it.

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  1. So excited for you!!! Congratulations!

  2. oh sweet sweet Lauren, That was the most beautiful thing to read. I AM SOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! gosh, it's been too long since i've seen your face in person. next time i'll get to see your face and a bling. wow. so so excited for you and your beloved.


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