today, i _______
- woke up in a different time zone, and wasn't aware of it until lunch time
- had a few morning minutes to discover how frequently "hope" is referenced in the book of Hebrews
- forewent all breads and chips, in preparation for my new Fast (officially beginning tomorrow)
- spent some time outside in downtown Columbus, GA enjoying the gorgeous weather
- got an extra espresso shot in my coffee... just because i could
- bought a vintage book of poems written during World War I, which I am very excited about reading
- chose to submit to the authority of the cheery sunshine outside and wore lime green even though it always makes me look sunburned
- prayed a lot about the possibility of ____ and enjoyed it immensely
- talked to my dear friend Anna for a few encouraging minutes on the telephone, and was able to wish her a happy birthday!
- spent a lot of time thinking about the way my heart stubbornly seeks love in the strangest places
- wrote a sweet song for you...
"and i'll sing you to sleep if you'll let me.
ly-dee-dai, ly-dee dai da da... i will sing you to sleep if you'll let me.
... ly-dee-dai."
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