Having a Voice

I'm a social media user... for better or for worse. I personally believe it's for better. But I do have convictions on the issue, and from that posture of self-examination comes the writing of this particular blog.

Just laying that out there, before I begin :)

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There are many disconcerting things posted on social media these days. There are gripes, complaints, and discontented rants... there is oversharing, manipulatively controlled under-sharing, drama-inducing statements, and judgmental diatribes.

There are also many amazing things posted on social media these days. There are efforts to raise awareness, wreck our apathy, and call us to something more. There are hundreds of thousands of pictures of families (babies, nephews, parents, puppies) that remind us all is not lost of the thriving family unit in our culture. There are opportunities to share Christ's message, across the globe. The freedom to share genuine needs, build community, and foster it.

Social media is the avenue. We are the drivers.

Praise, thanksgiving, poignant truths... cynicism, egocentrism, and the baseness of humanity. We bring it with us, wherever we go. We bring it there, we keep it there. It is what we are.

What are we? What are we saying?

For those of us who are Christians, especially... have we no shame? Have we no memory? Are we not redeemed? On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogger, Pinterest, WordPress, and everything else... we are to be salt. Light. Different. Full of an unwavering peace. We are called to discretion, joy, wisdom, thanksgiving, love, and honor.

Our voice is our own, but it has been paid for by holy blood.

What are we saying?

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute - if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." (Philippians 4:8)

With our posts, our tweets, our blogs, our pictures... Are we making it easier for others to see light, or more difficult? Are we getting in the way, or helping to guide others? Are we the same as everyone else, or different?

What are we saying?


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