cogitations about integration

Connected. Linked. Plugged in. Joined. Part of _____.

Yes, please. I would like to be all of the above. Integrate me.

I will be turning 26 years old, in 15 days. In order to be fully representative and worthy of that age and all that it implies for me in present circumstances, the one thing I have noticed on a daily basis that can actually be changed that really does need to, is my lack of tech-savvy. Please do not misunderstand: I own a Mac computer and an iPhone. I have a blog, a Facebook, and now a Twitter account. I can type and send texts at an astonishing pace, I know how to upload a photo, and if all else fails, I know how to look up any elusive tip or troubleshooting solution on Google. A significant portion of the world does remain in my tech-savvy dust... yes, I understand this. However -

Although I have all these gadgets, all these widgets, all these apps and links and usernames and passwords... I feel like I should have a better grasp on how they all work together to make my life seamless instead of scattered. I wonder sometimes if I'm the only almost-26-year old who feels like she has to keep up with a world that was supposedly built to reside at her fingertips?

- - -

So begins my newest hobby: figuring it out. Learning to fully "integrate" myself into this matrix of innovations and social networks. Venturing for the first time into the land of iframes, web copy, WordPress and interfaces... which may not seem like a big deal to some - but I am not that girl. I like to play piano and read books and play Scrabble and sit under a fruit tree plucking inspiration from its leaves. But alas... a change to the daily routine must be made. Because although I am not of this world, I am still responsible to be in it (John 15:19)... And being "in" this particular part of the whole takes some effort for me, let's just face it. Effort that I need to be willing to contribute, especially when I'm single and stationary and in many ways, as free as people claim that birds are. So. Welcome to my world. I feel like I need to go tweet now or something.


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