dream a little, dream for me.
i'm just going to dream for a minute.
i don't want to be at work today. i like my job a lot, so there's nothing wrong at all - but i just simply don't want to be here today. i don't want to be sitting inside an overly air-conditioned building, sitting upright at a desk and trying to offset the air conditioning with a space heater. i want to be lying out in the sun on a blanket, or in a really soft field that doesn't require one, and i want to be dozing in and out as the clouds doze over the sun. i want to notice the shapes of the clouds and the shadows they form, and i want to be able to have time to cherish every single one of those shapes and shadows. i want to hear the birds and the wind, and i don't ever want to hear a telephone again. i want to get freckles on my face and not care about what i will look like when i'm 50. i don't want to wear shoes today, and i usually really like shoes. i want to let a ladybug crawl on my arm and not find humor in the fact that it is so entirely out of context. and after i'm done laying in the field for a while, i want to get my feet into the cold ocean somewhere, and feel sand for once instead of asphalt. i want to capture breezes and waves, all those things that you can't quite place inside a bottle but make their sweet way into your soul. i want to lay down at the tide break, with half my body in the water and half of it basking in the sunshine. i don't want to turn on my ipod, i don't want to perceive the need for one, and i want to get that particular kind of beach thirsty where all your body craves is what is best for it, which is water and fruit and healthy food. i want to think on things that reach far outside these four walls, and i want to dream things bigger than any computer could hold. i don't want to get stuck in rush hour. i don't want to be so shallowly delighted when the light turns green, and so immediately frustrated when the light turns red. i want to place this song on a staff that others can't analyze, where the heartbeat He provides is the only meter and the timing He forms as the frame is the only signature it needs. and i want to be able to sing along, and not worry about all the other people here in this office, on their non-iphone cell phones, and what they will think of me if i burst into song. bursting into song is never out of place in a field, on a blanket, in the sunshine, as the clouds and shadows play and dance their way across the sky. never.
that's what i really want today... for whatever that is worth.
the end.
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