northwest bound
yes. i am northwest bound. not indefinitely - but definitely, and for the next 8 days. while the sun is still waking over memphis on wednesday morning, my mom and i will be on a plane to Portland, OR. we will also be spending some much needed time with our feet in the Pacific ocean and are hoping to consume extravagant amounts of coffee while in Seattle.
a whole week of coffee, cold rainy weather, old bookstores, architectural wonders, and some quality time with one of my best friends in the world... excitement is not a big enough word :)
and in addition to the excitement over things i know we are sure to find upon arriving, there is also an anticipation and expectancy for all i hope to find while i am away... things that cannot fit in suitcases - and would not, even if they could. matters that i hope see some form of resolve, while the scenery around me is different, and familiar faces are altogether removed. new inspirations in new forms, to breath life into dry and dormant places. new understanding and comprehension of God's beauty and character, as i see a different area of the world He created for the very first time. a new purpose to find... a reminder of an old purpose that still remains.
i don't mean to seem mystical - obviously, there is nothing any more redemptive about a certain dot on the map than any other dot on that same map... but i think most people are sometimes able to see a little clearer, breath deeper, feel more acutely when being away.
so. in addition to finding some cute rain boots and splashing in famous puddles, i am hoping to experience these things while i am away. it is moments like these that i am relieved that we have such a personal God, who can search us and know us better than we have words to say.
because anticipation is not a big enough word.
Seattle, here we come!
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