puddles is a fun word
have i mentioned yet how much i love rainy days?
and sure, i enjoy the sunshine too - it's good and warm and life giving and smiley... but there is just something about the rain that often seems to resonate a bit more. and like, omg, i really hope that doesn't make me emo...
and believe it or not, Marie (my roomie) is out right now with a couple friends, to see the actual band Rain in concert... no lie. i'll have to make sure and thank her later for scheduling her life to coincide thematically with my daily blogs... precious.
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seriously though? i'm just now realizing that my entire day has been spent in anticipation and enjoyment of this precipitation. in hindsight, i find it all quite entertaining.
this morning, on my way to have coffee with my future sister-in-law, i found myself inspecting the sky at every red light. i called our local weather hotline, to see approximately at what time the sky would begin to fall... good old weatherman said noon, and i hung up the phone with resolve and an almost childlike expectation. after enjoying our coffee, whitney and i went over to my parents' house for just a few minutes... and as i was leaving? oh yes. it started to rain. to celebrate its arrival, i drove to work with the windows rolled slightly down - just so that i could smell the new-rain-on-winter-grass-and-cold-suburban-streets scent that is so rich and beautiful.
i arrived at work, and got some brief (but true) enjoyment out of the sound of my shoes squeaking on the floor when i came in the door. during my 4 hour shift, i had to help 3 different customers carry pieces of furniture out to their car... they all apologized for making me come out in the rain... i internally smirked at them, and took my time loading the furniture into their cars.
and yes - every time that i walked back into the store, i listened for the squeak of my shoes :)
i was able to leave an hour early because... oh yes... the power went out, because of the rain. some local transformer had gotten wet, and our store (and several others in the area) would spend the rest of its evening in the dark. i could not have been happier. what are sales and customer service and working to pay the bills, when there are puddles right outside to be jumped in?! puddles is a fun word... puddles and umbrellas.
glorious rainy day props.
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and now, to complete this wonderful rainy day, i have come into my room to get in bed an hour earlier than what i had planned... and i'm lying here, and it is quiet, and the rain is hitting my window... occasionally a car will drive through the parking lot and make a splashing sound... the rain gutters are overflowing, and i hear our wind chime gently justifying its name...
and there is a little bird in a tree outside my window, who apparently is enjoying this all as much as i am... because he is singing his little heart out, and it truly is the absolute perfect end to a perfectly rainy day.
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